Posts by admin

How Artificial Intelligence Can Help Your Business

Artificial Intelligence (AI), often dubbed a part of radical technological developments such as robotics and space science, is past the days of growth solely for these futuristic purposes. In fact, AI has gradually been permeating many businesses in varying industries. From construction, medicine, and public relations, the capabilities offered by AI-powered systems are seemingly endless.

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Telework as a Recruitment Tool

Employers in the US, Europe, Japan and numerous other countries are finding that one of most valuable tools for recruitment and retention is offering work options – compressed workweeks, flextime and telecommuting. More and more employees are working 9 day 80 hour 2 week schedules, changing their start or finish times from the usual rush-hour 7-9 am and 4-6 pm commute times, and working from home or satellite office locations.

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4 Killer Ways to Kick Toxic People Out of Your Life

Toxic attitudes in the workplace are contagious and can affect company morale in a negative way. Here are a few steps on dealing with toxic attitudes in the workplace.

1. Don’t Engage
Negative people feed off of an audience. If you find yourself on the receiving end of a negative tirade in the break room, don’t add fuel to their fire by engaging their negative ideas (even if you agree with them). Simply nod your head, say “that’s interesting” when they’ve finished and then go back to eating your sandwich. Your toxic coworker will sense that you’re not going to give them the attention that they want and they’ll move onto someone who will.

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